1. Considerations for appointing an executor

    On behalf of John Dorris of Dorris Law Group posted in Estate Planning on Friday, September 25, 2015. Arizona residents who are preparing a will or who have been appointed executor for the will of another individual may wonder what is involved in being an executor. They may not realize that an execu…Read More

  2. Changing tax laws and estate planning

    On behalf of John Dorris of Dorris Law Group posted in Estate Planning on Wednesday, September 16, 2015. Some Arizona residents are uncertain about the best manner in which to pass their assets on to their intended beneficiaries. By understanding how certain laws have changed, people may then be abl…Read More

  3. Using trusts to control assets after death

    On behalf of John Dorris of Dorris Law Group posted in Estate Planning on Tuesday, September 1, 2015. Many parents in Arizona want to provide for their adult children in their estate plan but worry about how the inherited funds will be used. If people want to have greater influence over how their be…Read More