Welcome to the blog page of the Dorris Law Group in Tucson! From alimony and annulment to child custody and parental rights, our blog posts will provide the information you need to make the best decisions for yourself and your family. Be sure to check back often as we will regularly update our posts on these and many other topics related to family law. This may be a difficult time in your life, but we can help. If you are looking for help with family law in Tucson, then be sure to call our offices today to learn about all of the services we offer.
When you decide to have children, you are then responsible for their well-being, including in a divorce situation. After all, you are their parent and will be for the rest of your and their life. For the most part, parents want to support their children and have a great relationship with them. That …Read More
Child support is money paid by one parent to another parent in order to help pay for a child's living expenses, including medical expenses, after a divorce. This is an on-going payment and is usually paid monthly. This is usually required until the child is a certain age, such as 16 or 18. However, …Read More
A restraining order is a civil court order that is intended to protect you from harm or harassment, and does not give the perpetrator a criminal record. If you are the victim of domestic violence, harassment, stalking, or sexual assault, then you should contact Tucson law firm Dorris Law Group to le…Read More
Emotions can run high when it comes to deciding how much time each parent is entitled to spend with their child following a divorce. No matter which side of the dispute you are on, not understanding the nuances of Arizona child custody and parenting laws can make it challenging to navigate these com…Read More
Although there are several circumstances when paternity is presumed under ARS §25-814, there are many times when parental rights are not so clear-cut in the state of Arizona. For unwed mothers and fathers, in particular, establishing paternity is important to preserve their rights and ensure the be…Read More
If you are an unwed mother or father in the state of Arizona, you may or may not be aware of the state’s stance on paternity and parental rights. It is critical to understand the nuances of Arizona paternity laws to ensure your rights as a parent are preserved, as well as to ensure the best possib…Read More
In 2016 alone, nearly 29,000 phone calls were made to Arizona domestic violence hotlines, information lines, and referral lines. Additionally, more than 7,400 adults and children received shelter and transitional housing as they worked to escape the snare of domestic violence. While these statistics…Read More
Parting ways with your spouse can be one of the most difficult choices you will ever have to make, even under the best circumstances. When you have children, negotiating child custody and support can add an additional layer of complexity to your divorce. As an experienced Tucson child support lawyer…Read More
If you and your spouse have children together, the finalization of your divorce is not the end of your contact with each other. Even under the best of circumstances, child custody exchanges can be stressful, placing your children in a difficult emotional tug-of-war between you and your ex. With the …Read More
As one of Tucson’s leading divorce firms, our team has represented countless clients who are pursuing separation or dissolution of their marriage. Even under the best of circumstances, divorce proceedings can be emotional and time-consuming, and having an experienced divorce attorney on your side …Read More