Welcome to the blog page of the Dorris Law Group in Tucson! From alimony and annulment to child custody and parental rights, our blog posts will provide the information you need to make the best decisions for yourself and your family. Be sure to check back often as we will regularly update our posts on these and many other topics related to family law. This may be a difficult time in your life, but we can help. If you are looking for help with family law in Tucson, then be sure to call our offices today to learn about all of the services we offer.

  1. Consequences of Not Paying Child Support in Arizona

    When you decide to have children, you are then responsible for their well-being, including in a divorce situation. After all, you are their parent and will be for the rest of your and their life. For the most part, parents want to support their children and have a great relationship with them. That …Read More

  2. What Happens If You Can't Pay Child Support in Arizona? dorris law group tucson

    What Happens If You Can’t Pay Child Support in Arizona?

    Child support is money paid by one parent to another parent in order to help pay for a child's living expenses, including medical expenses, after a divorce. This is an on-going payment and is usually paid monthly. This is usually required until the child is a certain age, such as 16 or 18. However, …Read More